10 November 2022 – Below we feature a compilation of headlines, scientific articles, and technical reports on innovations, R&D and elimination progress towards polio, malaria, onchocerciasis, and lymphatic filariasis. We will be publishing these updates bi-weekly and hope they are useful.


Vector Control

  • VECTRON™ T500, a new broflanilide insecticide for indoor residual spraying, provides prolonged control of pyrethroid-resistant malaria vectors – Link
  • The need for larval source management accompanying urban development projects in malaria endemic areas: a case study on Bioko Island – Link

Drug and vaccine development

  • Structure-guided insights into potential function of novel genetic variants in the malaria vaccine candidate PfRh5 – Link

Drug resistance

  • Invasive Asian mosquito ‘can survive anywhere,’ could alter malaria landscape in Africa – Link | Link to Paper


  • The campaign against polio has been extended in Alto Tietê . publications – Link
  • PharmaJet Needle-free system selected to deliver intradermal polio vaccine in Nigerian campaign – Link
  • Uganda starts nationwide polio vaccination exercise – Link


  • Integrated xenosurveillance of Loa loa, Wuchereria bancrofti, Mansonella perstans and Plasmodium falciparum using mosquito carcasses and faeces: A pilot study in Cameroon – Link
  • No suspected polio case is too hard-to-reach for investigation and follow up in Ethiopia – Link

Elimination progress

  • Increasing global efforts to reduce the risk of polio resurgence – Link
  • The presence of Plasmodium malariae and Plasmodium knowlesi in near malaria elimination setting in western Indonesia – Link
  • Zero malaria: a mirage or reality for populations of sub-Saharan Africa in health transition – Link
  • Perspectives: Malaria Elimination in China and Sustainability Concerns in the Post-elimination Stage – Link
  • Local interventions crucial to getting back on track to achieve malaria elimination targets – Link

Climate and Health

  • Climate change affects mosquito behaviour. This may make it harder to end malaria in South Africa – Link
  • World at risk: How malaria, dengue could spread due to climate change – Link
  • Climate change to bring more mosquitoes, infectious diseases and heat related deaths – Link
  • The 2022 Europe report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: towards a climate resilient future – Link
  • WHO and WMO launch a new knowledge platform for climate and health – Link


  • Persistence of onchocerciasis in villages in Enugu and Ogun states in Nigeria following many rounds of mass distribution of ivermectin – Link
  • Assessment of factors related to individuals who were never treated during mass drug administration for lymphatic filariasis in Ambon City, Indonesia – Link
  • Identification of the onchocerciasis vector in the Kakoi-Koda focus of the Democratic Republic of Congo – Link
  • D is for Decolonize: Sitting down with Luis Pizarro – Link
  • Achieving malaria testing and treatment targets for children under five in Mozambique: a cost-effectiveness analysis – Link
  • Impact of aerial humidity on seasonal malaria: an ecological study in Zambia – Link
  • GHIT Fund Announces New Investments: A Total of 790 Million Yen for Product Development of Neglected Tropical Diseases – Link
  • Malaria attributable fractions with changing transmission intensity: Bayesian latent class vs logistic models – Link
  • The prognostic and diagnostic value of intraleukocytic malaria pigment in patients with severe falciparum malaria – Link
  • A prospective cohort study of Plasmodium falciparum malaria in three sites of Western Kenya – Link
  • Tracking malaria parasites in space and time – Link | Link to Paper
  • Dominican Republic issues alert for risk of increased infectious diseases due rains and floods – Link
  • Joint statement by WHO-UNICEF-ROTARY on World Polio Day – Link
  • Statement of the Thirty-third Polio IHR Emergency Committee – Link


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